Seriously, these kids crack me up.. where they come up with the things they say is beyond me but they keep me laughing. Some people cringe when kids open their mouths.. heck, I know many people do around Mady because she doesn't know when to hush-it (were not exactly sure where she gets that from yet ;) ) but I truly look forward to hearing what things they are gonna say!
Often times we play the game of "Got your nose!"
One kid will get bent out of shape, "Give it back! Give me my nose" so we started pretending to take their nose and quickly toss it in our mouth, "Oops! I ate it! I ate your nose!" They think it's hilarious.
The other night after bathtime, the kids were running around naked getting lotioned up and jammies on.. Mady was sitting on the floor getting ready for bed as Aidyn was running around. She reached over and grabs towards his penis with her fingers and thumb! She shows him her little hand expression for what she's done and he gasps.. immediately she throws it in her mouth and cracks up laughing at herself.. "I ate your penis Aidyn!! I ate it!" Then proceeds to parade around the room as proud as she could be of herself for "eating his penis". We tried our HARDEST to compose ourselves trying not to make a big deal of it, and PRAYING this chanting doesn't get repeated at preschool tomorrow. Now THAT will be a letter sent home with some explaining to do ;)
Last week Mady was sick, very sick with a nasty cold, fever, chills, coughing, vomiting etc. (Well, maybe it wasn't just a cold). But her explanation for her sickness when I asked her what happened was: "Mommy, I was at school and playing jumpy-jumpy like a frog and I falled down! I falled down in the grass Mommy and now I am sick and can't go to school any-more!!! :'( "
--Wow, well damn. Apparently falling in the grass gets you pretty darn sick. We are now almost 3years old and petrified of the mean grass that makes you frow-up and get sick. Sweet!
Im pretty positive that I am partial and biased because of course she is my kid, and maybe it's also because she took FOREVER to finally start talking, but now that she has she doesn't shut up. I love it. She sounds like a little mini-adult too and it cracks me up. We don't use baby terms, and talk in a 'goo-goo-gaa-gaa' tone with the kids, it's obnoxious and degrading as human beings. Screw that. We talk to them in terms they understand in a tone that we would anyone else. And Mady talks, just like that. She will walk up to Aidyn,
M: "Would you like to sit here Aidyn?"
A: "Yes please, Mady"
M: "Well here ya go little buddy! You sure can have some juice, let me get it for you!"
Crack me up :)
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