Monday, July 18, 2011

I needed to runaway -- so my BFF kidnapped me to the beach

Andi deserves a life shout out. There is a reason she has earned such a title in my life, she is my dose of sanity in a way only a BFF can deliver. She keeps me grounded and reminds me of who I am. She spoils me rotten and loves me unconditionally -- I know it ... You can be jealous ;) 

So the winter has passed, spring was busy and now that the sun has come out -- life isn't slowing anytime soon. Our emails back and forth were progressively becoming shorter and few in between bc we're too busy. Any details were complaints about life and needing to escape, so finally before we both went postal, she planned a mini-vacay for us to RUN! It's our annual girl's getaway weekend, and because I am pregnant this year, we needed to find a non-alcohol oriented vacay. (that, and we're broke). So cashing in Marriott points for a suite on Va Beach was just what our sanity demanded!! A week later, with our matching Victoria's Secret Totes packed, we loaded up the car and were off!

To avoid the Friday afternoon traffic we choose to take 460 to the beach -- this meant I had to drive my NOVA friend thru fields and fields of crops / corn / beans and peanut fields. This in itself was hysterical to her somehow. Every time we passed another Ma & Pa shop that sells Virginia's Peanuts she about pee'd herself. I should have known better, before she met me, my dear-sweet friend didn't have a clue what a butter bean was, her eyes were quarters when we spoke language of 'Okra' and she was beside herself when I pointed out that THAT particular mason jar contained bacon grease :) Now, she is an addict for southern food, I WIN!  but the 50miles of crops was just a step too far to comprehend, thus served our hour long drive for comedy.

We arrived at the beach late that evening and immediately crawled in the bed. The next morning after enduring a breakfast offered complimentary from the hotel -- to a billion people at Va Beach for volleyball tournaments, we dressed and headed for the pool. I walked every step with fear, nervousness and terrifying adrenaline bc for the first time, I would be revealing my hard worked body in a bikini -- but 23wks pregnant! The moment we stepped to the pool and I realized the balls some of the other women had to wear string bikini's, I disrobed and strutted my stuff proud of my bump! From the on, the day couldn't have gotten better. We literally spent all morning/afternoon laying beside the pool, enjoying drinks being delivered to us and a light lunch. Does a day get any better than a bikini, lounge chair, drinks, kindle, ocean breeze, your BFF and NO kids?? No. That weekend, it doesn't. I was in heaven. 

That evening we treated ourselves to Captain George's with every intention of eating our weight in crab legs (as we always do). We immediately made a B-line for the crab legs, skipping any salad / appetizer, and devoured them ... this was only one plate, from then on, we slowed down. We spent the next 3hours simply talking, catching up and slowly grabbing more plates of food, but sadly, I do not believe we earned our $30 of food this year. We must prepare better next time. I think the sun ruined us from eating 26lbs of food -- or maybe it was our bodies saying "cut it out fattass -- you're not as young as you used to be, your metabolism sucks and you will be a whale tomorrow if you eat all that food!" 

We didn't leave without devouring the dessert buffet though, this was a picture of the plate that belonged to the one of us that is NOT pregnant -- this is also the second plate of the same concoction: (Mac N Cheese and Coconut Pie)

Driving home we decided to take the strip and see what all the young whipper-snappers were up to. People watch so you could say -- but from our moving car so we wouldn't have to exert any energy. While driving the strip I spotted an Ice Cream Shop .. then another, and another. I pointed every one of them out as my mouth salivated for a monster cup of ice-cream, even though my Zofran that helps morning sickness was quickly fading, I knew I would be sick soon... AND I had just finished eating at an All-You-Can-Eat buffet! Nothing sounded more appetizing though, as nauseas as I was, I would have done anything to get my hands on one.. but my will- power was fading, quickly. Finally. I snapped and said:
"I swear to god Andi!! The next Ice Cream Shop we pass, we're pulling over. Im puking and we're getting Ice-Cream!" She looked at me in horror and then cried laughing. Fortunately for us and the parking lot I would have lost my cookies in, we didn't pass another ice cream shop and I innocently drove us home.

Our weekend was perfect. It was relaxing. It was unproductive. Cheap and exactly what we needed. Times like these I always somehow feel guilty for taking out for myself, I miss my daughter and family when I am gone and feel selfish for justifying time away. I have a hard time spending money on myself and surely have a hard time justifying days away -- but the moment I return I remember exactly why I needed to get away. Giving myself, my own time makes me a much better mommy. A better person in general to be around. Everyone needs a life escape every once in a while, and it doesn't have to involve thousands of dollars and a trip to another country, but a day poolside with an ocean breeze and a great friend could be everything your mind needs to recollect and bring you back to your 'happy place'. I came home with a refreshed smile from ear to ear as I was greeted in the front yard with a screeching little girl say "MOMMY'S HOME!! I MIZZED YOU MAMA!!! KISSES??" Im so lucky to have all these wonderful people in my life, the ones that take me away when I need it, the little girl that misses me when I get home and the husband that greeted me with a clean house and dinner on the table! Man, Im lucky :)

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