Thursday, March 15, 2012

Most ridiculous month, ever.

Life is about to change BIG TIME in the Bishop home.. hold onto your seats, kids!

I have been busting my butt for a particular position at Dominion Power, this has been a work in progress since November with many long hours dedicated to providing examples of work among other things. A couple weeks ago, I finally got the call that they were ready to hire and we got the hiring process started! I am so happy and proud of myself! My family needs this so bad, we deserve this and I have worked very for it. Most times I think that good things don't happen to good people like us, but then I always have to remember that we don't get a vote when they happen. Apparently this is the time in our life that we were meant to be ready for this big change, and I am glad it's waited until now.

I am heartbroken to leave my job. I am spoiled where I work, I get fed delicious food every night, they grill out constantly, I get homemade fried breakfasts, enjoy hours of Facebook / YouTube if the night isn't too busy, and most importantly, I work with some of the most hilarious and kind hearted people I have ever met. I have never worked somewhere that felt so close to a family as I do here. I don't expect to ever get this feeling anywhere else during my career, and it will be greatly missed.

Madelynne will be starting school full-time, moving from three half days to 5 full days at school. We talk often about how fun it will be to take naps with her friends at school and play with her teachers everyday. She seems quite excited about it, but we will see how long that lasts. She's never been away from me or our family all day. She's never been to a sitter / school for an entire day before and my heart breaks for her to be gone so long! She's a big girl though, and eventually this day would come. People send their kids to daycare everyday and they seem to turn out just fine, I think it's just part of my own nervousness FOR her.

Annabelle too, I think is at a great age to get her started with a sitter all day. She has been able to spend her first six months at home, where it's clean, safe and has her own bed and her things. She is settling nicely into somewhat of a routine finally and I think she would do just fine when we have to leave all day. It's sweet though, sometimes if she is left with Sarah or Grammy, she cries and cries, and they swear it's purely just because she misses mommy and daddy. Mady is the polar opposite of this emotion, she was resiliant enough to do just fine without us, but Annabelle is much more of a cuddle-bug and actually enjoys that attention from us. If you leave the room, she allows you about 30sec to come back without freaking out. While it can be obnoxious, I adore it.. Hey! Someone actually misses me! Sweet :)

Let's see. 
Madelynne's big BIIGG Princess Party is this weekend. The that the dear child has been getting ready and pumped up for, for nearly a month now. Actually, since McKenzie's Princess Party, Mady has been excited for her own. It's so cute. On random days she will tell me what to wear, I will dress in the shirt she chooses, put on my earrings and she says, "Great mommy! You look beautiful, ready to go to my party now?!" --Love her. This is a constant thing. Puts on shoes = "Im ready for my party, let's go!". Oo baby, a couple more weeks! Finally the time has come, and now that I am talking about it = she's not interested. haha
I am planning this party with more details than a darn wedding. I have nightmare's about a cupcake falling or the ceiling decor not sticking. I stress over my OWN Snow White costume, it's just ridiculous. I hope everything goes to plan, but if it doesn't, the real Princess won't mind :) I love giving her special things like this, I love making her feel special. All little girls and boys should feel special and get this type of undivided attention sometimes. The smile on their little faces are priceless.

Next Wednesday is her third birthday. I expect to be making cupcakes with her on Tuesday to take to her class to share with everyone, and little goodie bags. This of course is after Annabelle's SIX MONTH check-up! (SIX MONTHS!! That's just amazing!) I have to work Wednesday night so I don't know what big things AK will be doing for her, for her birthday, we will iron out those details later. Thursday I have a doctor's appt. Friday I will be working 1st shift to say my very sad goodbye's to my co-workers :( Then we have to fly to Midlothian for Kimberly's rehearsal. Saturday Madelynne is in her wedding as a flower girl, I pray she will do well. We haven't practiced yet, so maybe I will start drilling her with that here soon! lol. Hey, she is three, if a meltdown occurs halfway down the aisle, so be it, they are kids and it will be priceless.  (let's not tell Kimberly that!) 

Monday I start my new job. Friday we have dinner with Lindsey and Jeremy and Saturday, after a cookout, Aidyn and Roman move to Oklahoma :(
My heart is going to break when Aidyn leaves, but I think his time with us has been constructive, loving and we have gotten him to the point he needs to be but now just with mommy/daddy. He understands love a little better, discipline, structure, sleeping in his own bed, being responsible for his own belongings, knows how to dress himself, preschool taught him his colors/shapes and God, and overall he was able to spend some excellent quality time with his cousins. Mady needs her house back though. She needs her own room, her own mommy and daddy, and her own things without having to compete. AK and I choose for this very reason to never have children so close in age, I think when it is just Mady and Belle, things in our house will become so much more streamline. I will be able to take control of Mady a little better and iron out a couple quirks she is picking up from school and her sassy age, I will be able to spend more quality time with Annabelle, and most importantly, with Mady and Belle together. 

We have quite an eventful two weeks coming up! I never knew the month of March could become so amazingly busy, but it has.. all things of which are exciting, nervewracking, and life changing in their own way. We can't wait to jump on this new journey that these changes are going to take us in life, I just hope we can all do it with a few meltdowns and seamless adjustment as possible! ....and a bottle of wine or two on Friday's ;)

Random Fun-Facts, about me.

This will be an ongoing post I am sure, as my A.D.D. continues to remind me different facts about myself to note. I once did a post titled, "25 Facts you may not know about me". It was probably on Facebook or something incredibly personal-fact-sharing worthy site ;) I stumbled across it not long ago and it did make me smile. I created 25 facts about myself while on bedrest with Madelynne.. many things have remained the same, but due to new dynamics of life and changes.. a lot of things I have a full new prospective on! I enjoyed reading that.. that something about myself ;) who knew! So I think I will do it again.. but casually, but let's be honest: I may have had the time to sit on my ass and dwell about myself then, but those times now only occurr in the 6m drive to work and I am alone.. the few moments of quiet in my house at 3a after Belle has laid back down, or usually.. just when it happens and I have an "Ahh-HA!" moment.

Here goes:

Every night that I pull into the driveway, 1130-12p or so. There are two bunnies that ALWAYS start running from between mine and the neighbors house towards the woods. Those bunnies make me smile, every.single.night. that I get to pull up and see them. They never let me down, always there :)

Im scared to death of suicide. I am terrified beyond belief that people close to me that are having difficult times, will feel lonely and sad enough to have such selfish and painful thoughts of suicide. I wouldn't know what to do with myself and how not to feel personally accountable. I know it's utterly morbid, but the thought haunts me.

I have an irritional fear of wasting an awesome outfit on an insignificant day.

I keep crappy friends around to randomly keep in touch with just to remind myself I am making better life decisions and am a better person than some. In the same breath, I am learning that some people, really really do suck. It's not always correct to assume you're better than someone else -- but as I get to really know other people, some people just really do suck all around!

Old people can be assholes. Just because they are old, does not mean they are sweet and you have to love them. Always show your respect for the elderly, but they can still be bitter hateful people.. just old.

I can't sleep sound unless I check on my babies every night. Mady almost always needs to be retucked into her bed, and Annabelle needs to be covered. I have a horrible fear of them stopping breathing in the middle of the night.. I HATE those thoughts, and can't shake the idea until I check on them.

Im lazy. I can absolutely list off 32 things I have accomplished during the day, and I know I was busy enough to forget to eat, but every opportunity I have I am sitting back and being a lazy mom. I wish I had more energy sometimes to really get in the floor and play with my babies. They are happy of course -- I just know I could make them laugh a little more than I actively try to do.

I am extremely grateful for:
-Not being in school, no homework - test - quiz - papers - class etc. Every single day I am thankful not to have school.
-My heated mattress pad. O.M.G. heaven, seriously, I will replace that thing faster than AK replaced our TV in 6hrs when it died, if it ever kicks the bucket.
-My metabolism. Yea, I can tone up a bit, but for having two kids and eating the crap I do on little exercise. I look damn good and I am proud thankful for it!

I am growing a stronger and stronger hate for smokers. You're disgusting. Your breath stinks beyond belief and you don't even know it. And yes, while you think smoking outside clears you from smelling like an ashtray, you are HUGELY mistaken! I am starting to find myself avoiding so many friends and LOTS of family functions purely because the smoking is getting under my skin that bad. I can't tell you to go outside at your own house, so I just won't come. Not around my kids, sorry.

Good things don't happen to good people like me. I am learning this every single day. Eventually karma will come around, I supose, but in the meantime I just keep busting my butt for everyone and watch them get cool shit.

I love to smile. I love walking past someone that is wearing a smile -- they're apparently thinking of something that makes them happy and just that thought melts me. I love to laugh, I love to make others laugh and then I get to see that smile they wear on their face. I wonder if this comes from growing up in a home that people didn't always wear a smile, life in our house hasn't been a whole lot of smiles lately, so I wonder if I am just thriving to see others happy for myself?

Clay Walker is probably the number one musician that will immediately take my attention and often times make me tear up within a line or two. I love his music, his songs and his voice. Second two in line: Janis Joplin & Joss Stone.