Monday, June 27, 2011

Im falling head over heels in love with this kid.

Maybe I really do have the sweetest little girl on this planet, maybe my time is coming where she will show her heiny and drive me absolutely batty on a daily basis, OR maybe my appreciation for simply a happy healthy child and embracing her as part of my life is really working out well for me... whatever it is, this kid rocks!

Since her second birthday, Madelynne has simply blossomed into a beautiful toddler, full of life, questions and sincerity. There aren't many hours in the day that pass without her coming to me to cuddle, asking for 'fufferfly kisses', or in the middle of watching Yo Gabba Gabba saying:
Yes Madelynne, watcha need?
"I wuv you mommy.."
...and without blinking she turns back around to her show.

She amazes me.
Something that my papa taught me, that is very important, is to appreciate life; slowly. This world and my generation needs to simply, Slow.Down. Sit outside. Listen to nature. Stay away from the hustle and bustle.. stop keeping up with latest fashions and trends.. you will exhaust yourself! Help out others, it will make YOU feel better. Shake your elders hand, listen to what they say intently. Get off the internet, Facebook is NOT that serious. Have your feelings hurt but don't let them consume you. Most importantly respect yourself and be proud.

These are the things that are most important to me, things I pride myself around and things I want and try to teach my daughter everyday. Recently, she caught me off guard when she showed me, she is starting to get it:

Me: "Madelynne, get back here, where are you going?
Mady: "Outside mommy.. I go outside"
-Ok, Miss. Independent.. as I let her go out the door by herself and watch her step down onto the bricks, and sit her little heiny on the step, facing the road perfectly with both hands on her knees. I watched her for several minutes sitting on the steps inside smiling, but also concerned "What is this little creature up too... " So I went outside to question her motives.
Me: "What are you doing?"
Mady: "Sitting. Sit mommy! Sit!"
Me: "Why are we sitt......."
Mady: "SHHHHHH!! Mommy!" with her 1.5in finger to her sweet lips w/ raised eyebrows. Several minutes pass.
Me: "Ok .. .. .. Are you ready to go inside yet?"
Mady: "No Mommy! Shh and listen." She puts her hand to the side of her face with her palm facing behing her as if she is going to cup her ear to 'listen' but has it all, innocently backwards. "Listen, listen to the birds.. OHH! Hear'em! Shhh.. you have to listen mommy"

We sat there for over half an hour. She placed her hand on my knee and I held hers. A 2yr old teaching me to relax and chill-out. A 2yr old sat, still, for over 30min listening to the birds / doggies / train / cars etc. She never said a word and I never mentioned going inside again, I couldn't wipe the proud smile I wore from ear to ear. She gets it. On the days I loose sense of what is most important, my daughter is there to remind me... as I sit at the computer frustrated over life / emails / bills / responsibility, she makes the point to say "Mommy, I love you." I climb out my computer chair to cuddle with her and show my love back in that instant. Those are the moments so very special to me. Even the times she has a meltdown over goldfish and gets upset, she can make me laugh and remember what life is truly about. Not about Prada or Lexus's, but her and the family and home that we have made with what we do have... we may not have it all, but we sure seem to be doing just fine with what we do.

On that note, as she sleeps in her bed like an angel, I am going upstairs to re-tuck her in (half the time she partially wakes to say "Oh, thank you mommy" and rolls back over..), I will kiss her forehead and watch her dream for likely, entirely too long. I don't want these moments to pass too quickly. I could watch her dream for hours.

Goodnight World

I promise to be faithful

Lately I have not posted at all, I need to, I need to stay on top of these things.. not for me as much as to keep my life "Journal-ed" because as I blink my eyes, time is literally flying away in front of me. Last post was before the holidays, more of life, Madelynne's Second birthday, and here I am now.. 22wks pregnant with sweet Baby Bishop #2!! How did this all happen? In a matter of months!! I can't tell you what I did last weekend, I surely won't be able to tell you next year what happened last without writing it down. So here I am; I vow, to myself and my children later, to keep note of the fun, some not so fun, the big life's adventures so on and so on.. so that in 10yrs I won't blink and life have passed and I don't remember when my baby began talking or her first week at preschool.

Let's do this!